Nov 9, 2014

Book 48: Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

I have to admit that originally I had no interest in this book for the sole purpose that everyone was reading it.  I didn't even know what it was about.  Sorry, that is a ugly fact about myself.

And when the movie was being released I had even less interest.  That was until I heard someone talking about what the story was.  And specifically that the book was narrated by 2 unreliable narrators.  That is what hooked me.

I then had the choice of reading the book first or watching the movie first.  I knew there was going to be a big reveal and I knew once I knew what it was I would loose the reveal in one or the other mediums.  I did decide to read the book first, and I then saw the movie with in days of completing the novel.  I am glad I made that choice.

I am finding I am not a plot driven reader, but this plot had me hooked and I just went along.  I was blown away by the story and how duplicitous Amy was and the ending.  Whoa.

Comparing the movie and the book.  The movie was done great, and was close enough to the book.  The changes made were smart changes.  But with reading the book there was more detail and I was able to get into the minds of the characters.  So in the end this book did give me the character development that I like and showed me that plot is not always a bad thing.

Good book
Good movie

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